Pray For Us, Tanner


I was a momarazzi. Thank God.

I’m treasuring the videos I have of him.

As his perfect soul was leaving us in the hospital I was on my knees and then flat on my face pleading with God for a miracle, for mercy.

I didn’t feel like God was listening. I never felt like He heard our prayers. Even now, I ask Him to ease the pain and it is somehow worse each moment than the moment before.

But I just came across this video.

My Tanner.


Praying for the meal. Praying for each of the dogs. Praying for monster trucks and Power Rangers. Praying for the cast of Full House.

And praying for his mama.

I know God hears and loves the innocent prayers of my precious baby.

I know He hears mine too.

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My name is Romney and I am the mom of two amazing adopted boys: one who lives with me at home and one who lives in Heaven. I became an Angel Mom on April 11, 2017 when Tanner was called home to be with Jesus. It's my prayer that sharing my experiences can help others. xo
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